Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 30

Again, went on one of my walks.  I'm so in love with it.
I went to lunch with a friend today and ate so much and having someone to talk to is so wonderful these days.
But all that food gave me more than one reason to go on this walk!

March 29

Recertified CPR person right here!!
Woot woot.
Ok this was a lame post but whatever.  Leaving that class was the best part!

March 28

I worked today and it was nice only being at work for one day and then looking forward to a few more days off in between.  But today was one of those days where I was just dog tired. 

On a happier note... baseball season is finally here!! Yankees have their game opener March 31st!!

Life without baseball is practically nothing.

March 27

Happy Sunday!
I took this picture with my cell phone so it may seem kind of grainy.
I absolutely love, love going on these walks, especially when the weather is perfect.
Vegas only has a couple of months of perfection and I try to take advantage whenever I can.
I love this little area because it has pillars with frames on the top covered with these wonderful flowers and benches to sit on.
(Can you see the flowers?? My fave!)

March 26

Getting my hair done = best.feeling.ever.
Now I need to fit a pedicure and facial in!

March 25

Retail Therapy.
I feel adventureous when I come here for some reason.
But this is the kind of therapy that is needed for rough times.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 24

I'm in love with these flowers every time I go on this walk.  I only see these in the spring and I just think they're so simple and pretty.  Plus, they remind me of where I used to be a few years ago.  Good memories. 

March 16-23

I worked alllll these days. 
It was rough and I'm still exhausted from it.  But I learned a few things these last few days...

1.  Nothing grosses me out anymore apparently.  If you knew what I had to do you would die and I'm not going to write out what I did for your sake.  The idea of it was more weird to me that I was doing this than it was at being gross even though it should gross me out.  But I had no problem going to eat lunch right after without a second thought! I'm adapting nicely I'd say!! 

2.  Apparently men over the age 50 think I'm good looking.  Oh! and men that have some type of psychotic or mental disorder and blind men (seriously, he told me I sounded pretty).  So yea, I'm pretty sure since no one my age gives me the time of day, I know that one day when I'm over working and ready to marry for money or just companionship when I've given up hope I'll have no problem finding it with these type of men! bahahaha!!

3.  I still love my job no matter how tired I am or stressful  or scary it is.  But I took a walk today and I was remembering on this exact walk 2 or 3 years ago that I was fantasizing where I'd be at today.  I imagined so many wonderful things and I haven't accomplished all of it at this point.   It's kind of hard to not be where I think I should be at even thought that's unrealistic at this point.  I just know my reality and fantasy will meet one day.  I just need to be patient!!!  


March 15

Bought some fun colors today.
Spring and flip flop season is approaching and this makes me very happyyy!

Monday, March 14, 2011

March 14

It's been one of those days...
and if I didn't get away from it I thought I was going to go mad.
This is Town Square and I'm here enjoying the weather and something chocolatelyyy.
Only I can choose to be happy right?
Just shopping and chocolate make it so much easier!

March 13

Las Vegas doesn't get a lot of variety but the weather is heavenly during this time of year.
I love going for walks and being outdoors.
Nothing like good weather to uplift your spirit!

March 10

How can you resist this face?!
And those beautiful eyes?
I tell you, you cannot.
Seems like she's the only one in my life that cares these days.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself." -Josh Billings

March 9, 11, 12

I worked these three days and it can be exhausting. 
It still seems unreal that I've made it this far yet I'm only beginning.
Now that I've completed one of my major goals in life... what happens next??

March 8

The most beautiful place on earth.

March 7

Movie night!
With awesome friends
And a huge screen.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 6

Happy Birthday Mom!!!
My mom is amazing and deserves nothing but the best so we sang and ate yummy food to celebrate.
Also, we were all able to get her something nice this year for once and I hope she had a great day.
And ignore the missing piece of cake.... some of us can't wait very long!
It wasn't me this time either!!

March 5

This is my pet snake named Jeter.
He decided to escape from his cage and made his way into one of my storage units (not used very often obviously).
How odd is that?
But finding him made me so happy... and a little relieved.
I was worried he was planning on attacking me or something.
Ok not really, but I didn't want to find him wandering and be caught off guard.

Friday, March 4, 2011

March 4

My best friend got engaged!!!!!!!
This has been such a great, great day!
I was asked to take some photos during this wonderful occassion and it was priceless.
She has been through so much and deserves the absolute best.  I'm so, so happy she found a wonderful man to share time and all eternity with.

March 3

I needed to go to institute tonight; it helps so much when I feel so lost.
Plus, I love seeing this girl.
She loves to eat as much as I do and it makes me so happy!!
Yes, yes I know, I like to eat.  But I'm going to enjoy life, ok?

March 2

I love being home by myself once in awhile. 
Then eating something so delicious without the guilt.
Alone time is perfect and so is guacamoleeee!

February 27, 28; March 1

I worked these three days and I was on my own for the very first time.
I really do enjoy what I do and I'm learning, sometimes the hard way.
But, Ohhhhhhh....... What a week.
At times I wanted to rip my hair out and cry.
Other times I was happy to just be keeping up.
This picture is exactly how I felt afterwards.

So... how much longer until retirement??

February 26

Who knew spring cleaning was fun.  I feel like I'm starting over in another way.  And I love that my room has more space! 

Friday, February 25, 2011

February 25

Shopping by myself.
What a great night!
(And no, that pink bag doesn't have what you think it has!! :P)

February 24

Went to dinner with my sister and she hates getting her picture taken! So after a battle of flashes, this is the best I could get. 

It was a pretty fun night.
And food is always good.

February 23

What I love about my job is that I get paid for education.  I went to a meeting about organ donation and I'm a firm believer in organ donation, but this class made me more aware of it.  

I feel like one day I'll be able to start making a difference and be able to reach out to the community more.  But right now I feel inadequate and I don't think I'm in a place in my life to make a huge difference.  I need more time and education to get myself into that role.  It's classes like these that help me prepare and look forward to it.

(That's probably not a good excuse, but I have 30 years of work ahead of me and a lot of things to learn and accomplish.. no rush right??)

February 21-22

I worked these two days.
Again, too tired for pictures.
But it's been bittersweet. 
Bitter because these are the last two days of my orientation. 
Sweet because it's been great and now I'll be taking on my own patient load.
Or maybe the whole being-on-my-own thing will be bitter... can't decide yet!

February 20

I have put off this project for a long time and now I'm starting to get into it again.  I love seeing a picture start to form before my eyes.  

(It'll be a picture of an angel one of these days.) 

February 19

I finally got some new checks.
And they're girlie!! My favorite kind.

February 17

Had some time to do some scrub shopping...
Yea... I know, I buy waaaaaay too many scrubs. 
(Ignore the mess... I'm working on it :P)

February 15, 16, 18

I worked these 3 days. 
I'm exhausted when I get home from work and being able to fall asleep right away is a blessing!
Unfortunately, I don't have the energy to take a picture of any of it.
Too bad for you, huh??
I'm sure you wanted to see all of those glorious pictures of me sleeping!!!
Don't lie.

February 14

Reading a really good, uplifting book makes me happy.
Starbursts are pure bliss.
And the fact that I'm actually ok with being alone on Valentine's Day and not hating on it makes me feel extremely happy.
Weird isn't it??

February 13

I forget how much I love Sundays until I had to miss a few of them. 
I appreciate them that much more.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

February 12

Decided to try something new today and go to the Pottery Shop. 
You pick out what you want to paint, they fire it, and you pick it up later.
I really like these people :) 
Hopefully they had as much fun as I did.

February 11

I come here all the time and I have so many happy memories here with good friends.
Plus, it's so nice to see a movie that makes you laugh the entire time!

February 10

I love coming home from a long work day and my room is nice and warm.
Ok that was lame, but it still makes me happy.

February 9

Mismatched socks = comfy day.
I love only working three days a week!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 8

I decided to work out on my days off. 
But I guess eating brownies doesn't help even though it makes me so much happier than working out!

February 1-7

I've been avoiding updating this blog for the last few weeks.  I've missed a lot of pictures and almost felt like giving up on it.  I've just had a rough couple of weeks.  Work seems like the only good thing I have going for me right now, but I only work three days a week and sometimes that doesn't seem like enough to escape. 

Don't get me wrong, I love working only three days a week, but that can cause problems at times...
Also, postgrad life can be a little bit not so fun afterall.

Well, I've been thinking and I have a lot to work on.
I can only depend on myself for my happiness.  
I need to move forward and not let the little things get to me.
I need to learn to be ok with myself again.
I need to be more giving without expecting anything in return.
I need to be brave.

January 29-31

I had to work these three days.
Of course I got a cold and it was in my chest.
It was the kind that made me cough constantly.
Yet I felt just fine, just needed to have lots and lots of medicine to keep myself under control so my patients didn't think I was one of them.

I'm just happy that I was able to function and get through these work days.

January 28

Mornings like these remind me to slow down a little and realize where I'm at in life and that makes me happy.

January 27

This face always makes me laugh.
Especially because she looks so homeless no matter how much we try to fix her hair.

January 26

Woot woot!! New phone, new phone!
Happy day for sure.

January 25

This is an angel pin my friend gave me for Christmas.  It makes my badge look really pretty and reminds me that I need to be nice when I'm at work, especially when I don't feel like it.

January 24

So much fun! We decorated cakes for FHE.
My friend did the lettering.
The cake doesn't say "No" it supposed to be the Yankee logo.  But it does kind of look like a "no."

January 23

No picture today.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

January 22

Had a girls' night tonight. 
I don't have much of a life so I really like these nights when I can just goof off and see some fun people I don't get to see a whole lot. 

But the best part was that my sister came with us.  I really enjoy hanging out with her.
She's so pretty!

Friday, January 21, 2011

January 21

Yes, Ferlayna ate a lot tonight!! Dang, I don't know how she does it!
Ok, just kidding... I sort of helped out with that...

Actually, what makes me happy is that I have a friend who can down a whole Chipotle burrito just as good as me.  I honestly don't have any girlfriends that can do this and I don't feel bad for being able to eat when she's there.  I can enjoy my food! And look how skinny she is.  I have to figure that part out still. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 20

It has been really nice to relax and watch some tv.  Nothing special today.  Just a good feeling of having a really, nice long weekend ahead of me.

January 17-19

No pictures during this time because I was working.  I worked three 12 hour shifts this week.  I'd come home and pretty much go right to bed.  It was exhausting! I didn't have time to even think about a picture.
But I have to say, I have been extremely happy lately and I absolutely love, love, love it all!!

1. My coworkers have been very helpful and kind and understanding and open to me.
2. I'm actually getting respect for being a professional.
3. I feel like it'll all be ok, even if there will be some bad days ahead of me.
4. I'm productive.
5. The Lord truly knows what's best for me.
6. I'll be working the day shift (which I'm not sure if I like that 100% yet or not because there's so much more going on during the day and who knows if I can keep up with all this...)
7. I only work 3 days a week.
8. I get paid for continuing education.
9. I'm learning to be independent.
10.  It forces me to be a little braver each day. 

January 16

I love how perfect the weather is today... in January!
I wish it could feel this good all year long.

January 15

Bought myself a little present today. 

January 14

Ok, so things had changed with work unexpectedly, but after some time to sort through it all, I feel really good about the new situation.  I decided I wasn't going to let a little rain ruin a perfect day.
(Also, eating dinner with friends always helps.) 

January 13

Today I heard some good news about work and I feel relieved...
Ok so that was a really lame way to describe it, but I didn't know how else to. 
I got my dream position at my dream job today! Today has been great!

January 12

I love being invited to watch the game with friends and eating yummy food.
Pure bliss I tell you.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11

This is what I viewed from the parking lot of my work this morning.  I got to start off my day with a gorgeous sky such as this! My life is getting too wonderful. 

January 10

When I was in school I couldn't enjoy sports that much because they were too distracting and then I had a hard time studying! I kid you not, I actually almost failed a class because the World Series was on and I was so happy that I couldn't concentrate.  That's why I'm really happy during this part of my life because I actually get to enjoy this again.
