Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December 29

Simple purchases are the best kind sometimes. 
Plus, I just love the smell of cotton candy and couldn't resist.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December 28

My CAREER shoes.  Or what I wear to work I should say.

I have been fantasizing for four years about starting my "dream" job.  I still can't believe it and I still can't believe I got it.  Saying it's a dream sounds rash since I just started, but I don't care.  I'm going to keep thinking of it that way no matter what.  It's mine! The security is such a blessing.  

Oh, how this new chapter in my life is making me so unreasonably happy!   

Monday, December 27, 2010

December 27

Yup... trying to enjoy my last few days of eating whatever I want.  Heavenly I tell you!

December 26

Trying to be productive in a more positive direction.

December 25

And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, 'How could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags.'
And he puzzled and puzzled ’till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before. 'What if Christmas,' he thought, 'doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.'

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 24, 2010

December 24

Merry Christmas Eve!!!

A game of Monopoly with the family was in order for this wonderous occassion.  We don't really have special traditions the night before Christmas, but this is the first Christmas in a few years that we are all together!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 23

Today was great because I went to dinner with my brothers.  We were watching the Navy v. SDSU bowl game on my brother's phone since they were only showing NFL at the restaurant... (who cares about the NFL?? It's all about college!) Also, my uncle coaches the Navy team so we didn't want to miss it. 

Better luck next time.

(Sorry, the picture was more blurry than I realized).

December 22

This just made the blood drain from my face when I was first shown just the boxes without the rings in them.  Leah and Rick, who are just dating, got each other these Christmas gifts.  What makes me laugh is that they got each other the same thing without knowing they did, which turned out to be puzzle rings.  Well, when I was shown just the boxes before the actual rings, the boxes made it seem a little bit more than it appeared...

So yea, I was a little shocked I didn't hear about any special "news" and kind of upset I wasn't told about it until later that night.  You'd think big news like that would have been shared first thing when I walked in the door!
ha ha ha!

p.s... I was secretly happy that Leah's ring only fits on her left hand, ring finger!! So who knows... :) :) :) 

December 21

My brother served his mission in India and this was the dish he ate there all the time.  He loves it and decided he would make some for the family.  It wasn't that bad actually in spite of what it looks like here... 

Monday, December 20, 2010

December 20

First day of work!!! First day of a new chapter and a new life.

So weird.
I'm an adult who has a real job now.  Insane I tell you.

So unreal that I'm going to be doing this/Still can't believe I was chosen/Still can't understand how I got to this point in my life/Still feel inadequate and undeserving of this. 

But... so happy and so grateful! 

December 19

Our Wii was acting up and it was difficult to play. Haven't been able to play for awhile actually.  Thank goodness for smart brothers who can figure out settings on a TV to fix it.

December 18

Both of my brothers came home today! Yay! Tyler (left) came home from Japan after serving in the Air Force and Devin came home from school in Utah.  Devin was on his mission when Tyler left for the Air Force so they've been separated for about 3 years.  Now our whole intermediate family is finally together.  

We sure have missed them... well, until we're reminded how much food they eat and how much space they take up! Then maybe not so much.  Bahahaha!

Friday, December 17, 2010

December 17

I went shopping for scrubs and found some that I liked.  Yay for my first pair! I was even planning on posting a picture of them too.  But then my aunt decided to bring us these yummmmy chocolate covered strawberries.  Normally, I don't believe in combining fruit (healthy) and dessert (inappropriately and fabulously unhealthy) in any form.  It's just a contradiction to me! Insane.

But these always win me over.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

December 16

I'm so lucky to call her my best friend.  The simpleness of spending time together, shopping, eating and just talking about everyday things makes me happy.   

When I grow up, I'll consider myself lucky if I can be as half as amazing as her one day.

December 15

This isn't a very good picture, but I love seeing Christmas lights.  I keep forgetting it's Christmas here without the snow so seeing lights brings back the Christmas spirit. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

December 14

I love how it's supposed to be winter here in Las Vegas and it's just starting to look like fall.  We don't get a lot of variety of colors, but it's always nice when you do see it.

December 13

This girl is one of my heroes! She graduated from nursing school today against all odds and with so many obstacles.  I believe she had to go through a lot more than the average nursing student and did it without any complaint.  If I had been in her position I wouldn't have handled it so well or I probably would have given up.  This goes to show that no matter how hard things get, there's always a way to come back and learn from it... if you choose! She chose to face her challenges head on and move forward.  Best way to live life.  

Because of all she went through she's going to continue to be a good person and make an even better nurse than she already is.

Congratulations Chuntel!!!

      “If you will call your troubles experiences, and remember that every experience develops some latent force within you, you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circumstances may seem to be.”
-John Heywood

December 12

Just getting ready for church...  Sundays are really great.  Especially when the day goes over perfectly.

December 11

I was earning my ACLS license today.  It means I was taught and had to simulate on what to do when a patient goes into cardiac arrest... or in my opinion, pretend to know what I'm doing while the more experienced, educated people actually do it.  But one step at a time, right? Education is key! 

((I still can't believe I'm starting my career!!))

Friday, December 10, 2010

December 10

Family Tradition:
Making chocolate candy!!!

December 9

Today was a great day.  Everything has been working out smoothly so far and it feels so good to see the "light" at the end of the tunnel.  Ok that was lame, but I didn't know how else to describe my day.  It was good, but uneventful.  Sounds weird but it works!

December 8

I really like scarves.

"Enjoy present pleasures in such a way as not to injure future ones.”

December 7

Today I got the call!! I got the job!
What an amazing day and feeling.
Couldn't ask for more... well except for maybe some nerves to face this.
It'll come I'm sure...

Monday, December 6, 2010

December 6

Soooo we were supposed to go to a church activity and we rebelled and didn't go...  Can you see the rebellious look on our faces?? 

Well, we didn't leave the church parking lot at first so we could plan our scheming.  We decided to eat candy from Ferlayna's left over wedding party, where she works, while we discussed where to go eat dinner.  (Dessert first sounds backwards, but that's where the rebellious streak started...).  Leah and her boyfriend Rick are with us too so even more rebellion going on here... 
We drive off and are on the freeway when the cops decide to pull us over! We weren't even speeding!! Turns out there's been robberies at LDS church buildings for their AC's and since we had been sitting in the parking lot for a little bit we looked "suspicious" and someone reported us.   Because you know how rebellious we were missing out on a church activity and eating dessert before dinner!! bahahaha! We confessed this all to the cops and they let us off with a warning. 

But being with these friends always makes me a lot happier!! Especially because I'm still waiting for a response from that interview so the distraction was good.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 5

My pretty sister (left) and her cute friend coming to church with me...
this made my day for many reasons!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

December 4

Another dumb thing I get excited about... hair cuts and color!

December 3

I got to hang out with one of my favoritest people today.  We were eating fortune cookies and this was my fortune.  I didn't know fortunes could be so specific!
(How did it know that I was thinking about getting a new car?! I hope you can sense sarcasm in this post.) 

Hmm... but I kind of wanted a blue one though... is this some sort of sign?? 

Friday, December 3, 2010

November 28

I just realized I don't have a picture or even a post for this day! And that's because there was no picture (duh!).  I don't even know what I was doing .. probably stressing about my upcoming interview or eating a lot... yea probably eating. 

December 2

Today was my big interview and it was a little overwhelming! But knowing that I'm starting on the path toward what I've been working for all these years is happiness. 

Also, I don't know if this is my big break, but I do feel more confident about the future so double happiness there!!  

(Oops... I was planning on taking a picture of the hospital, but I was so nervous and in a rush to get home afterwards that I completely forgot so this will do.) 

December 1

Tomorrow is a big day for me and I needed to find a great place to find comfort and peace to face it.  I love finding treasures like these when I come here.

Happy December!

November 30

Having the Christmas decorations up is a good way to put anyone in a good mood.

(Also, I thought the picture looked kind of cool!)

November 29

Cookies always make things better. 

Also, Happy Birthday to my dad!! We would be celebrating but for some reason he's against all that.. insanity I tell you! But at least he makes shopping for him easy!
