Saturday, January 22, 2011

January 22

Had a girls' night tonight. 
I don't have much of a life so I really like these nights when I can just goof off and see some fun people I don't get to see a whole lot. 

But the best part was that my sister came with us.  I really enjoy hanging out with her.
She's so pretty!

Friday, January 21, 2011

January 21

Yes, Ferlayna ate a lot tonight!! Dang, I don't know how she does it!
Ok, just kidding... I sort of helped out with that...

Actually, what makes me happy is that I have a friend who can down a whole Chipotle burrito just as good as me.  I honestly don't have any girlfriends that can do this and I don't feel bad for being able to eat when she's there.  I can enjoy my food! And look how skinny she is.  I have to figure that part out still. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 20

It has been really nice to relax and watch some tv.  Nothing special today.  Just a good feeling of having a really, nice long weekend ahead of me.

January 17-19

No pictures during this time because I was working.  I worked three 12 hour shifts this week.  I'd come home and pretty much go right to bed.  It was exhausting! I didn't have time to even think about a picture.
But I have to say, I have been extremely happy lately and I absolutely love, love, love it all!!

1. My coworkers have been very helpful and kind and understanding and open to me.
2. I'm actually getting respect for being a professional.
3. I feel like it'll all be ok, even if there will be some bad days ahead of me.
4. I'm productive.
5. The Lord truly knows what's best for me.
6. I'll be working the day shift (which I'm not sure if I like that 100% yet or not because there's so much more going on during the day and who knows if I can keep up with all this...)
7. I only work 3 days a week.
8. I get paid for continuing education.
9. I'm learning to be independent.
10.  It forces me to be a little braver each day. 

January 16

I love how perfect the weather is today... in January!
I wish it could feel this good all year long.

January 15

Bought myself a little present today. 

January 14

Ok, so things had changed with work unexpectedly, but after some time to sort through it all, I feel really good about the new situation.  I decided I wasn't going to let a little rain ruin a perfect day.
(Also, eating dinner with friends always helps.) 

January 13

Today I heard some good news about work and I feel relieved...
Ok so that was a really lame way to describe it, but I didn't know how else to. 
I got my dream position at my dream job today! Today has been great!

January 12

I love being invited to watch the game with friends and eating yummy food.
Pure bliss I tell you.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11

This is what I viewed from the parking lot of my work this morning.  I got to start off my day with a gorgeous sky such as this! My life is getting too wonderful. 

January 10

When I was in school I couldn't enjoy sports that much because they were too distracting and then I had a hard time studying! I kid you not, I actually almost failed a class because the World Series was on and I was so happy that I couldn't concentrate.  That's why I'm really happy during this part of my life because I actually get to enjoy this again.

January 9

Today was a good day.

January 8

Trying a new thing this year.. going outside of my house and hanging out with actual people!! Gasp.  I know, right? I always had an excuse and now I kind of... don't (well, unless I end up working the graveyard shift but that's another story).  Tonight was fun and I met some really nice peope.  Stepping outside of my comfort zone isn't as bad as I thought it would be. 

Plus, I kind of like smelling like campfire!  

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7

So I went to the CES convention today and it was really neat.  It features all of the cool technology of the future.  Well, I got lost and ended up seeing some really cool things along the way. HUGE tv's, 3D tv's, 3D tv's without 3D glasses, even 3D computers.  Hmmm.. seems like 3D is the big thing coming out. 

But that's not what caught my eye.  Have you ever watched The Housewives of Orange County?? Or any of the Housewives reality shows? It's a guilty pleasure of mine when I get a chance to watch and when I want to feel better about my life.

Two of the housewives were there for a Q&A ((Gretchen and Tamara)).  I was only able to get a picture of Gretchen because the stupid tv crew was in the way.  Lame.  How dare they try and film their show!

But they are so pretty and so little! Made me feel bad for being fat and ugly! And not rich.  hahaha!

So yay for my first celebrity siting!

January 6

I love food way too much.
I'm not even going to tell you what was in it, but it was so worth it! 

January 5

A home pedicure is much needed after being on your feet all day.
And why was I on my feet all day?? Oh yea, because I gots me a job!! Woot woot!

January 4

I know it's weird, but I love coming home from work exhausted and being able to go to sleep... at 9PM!!! And then not waking up until the next morning.

Yea, I'm old.

January 3

A late, but wonderful Christmas gift!
 I also received a nice picture.
My life is grand!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2

Definitely love those Sunday naps.

January 1, 2011

Good way to start off the new year I'd say.

Also, do you see that cute scarf I'm wearing?! It was a Christmas gift from the cute girl next to me.
I love my life.

December 31

I love New Year's Eve.  Not that you can't start over whenever you want, but ringing in the new year always helps put goals and the desire to change in the front of your mind.. at least it does for me.

This was a gift that Leah got me one year for my birthday.  It has been by far one of my favoritest gifts because of the message and she gave it to me when I was struggling the most.  Plus, I thought this quote was fitting on how I can face the new year and how I sort of faced the last one.

I went to a party all by myself New Year's Eve... that shows bravery!
I started going to the gym again... that shows strength!
And I conquered nursing school... that's where the smartness comes in!

Ok, so I'm being a little sarcastic here because I don't think I'm any of those, but I can still work towards them this coming year.

So... Here's to a new year!

December 30

“Under the definition of ‘Temple’ in the Bible Dictionary, we read the following: ‘It is the most holy of any place of worship on the earth,’ followed by this insightful statement: ‘Only the home can compare with the temple in sacredness.’ For me this suggests a sacred relationship between the temple and the home. Not only can we turn the doors of our homes to the temple, or the house of the Lord; we can make our homes a ‘house of the Lord.’ ” -Gary E. Stevenson
