Saturday, November 27, 2010

November 27

These are some of my nursing school friends and I adore these people! I love catching up with them and finding out what's been going on.  Feels good to be able to talk about my worries and actually have someone hear them and pretty much have the same ones... hahaha!!

p.s... Also, today is my brother, Tyler's, birthday and he's in Japan in the Air Force so I can't celebrate it with him... 
Happy Birthday Tyler!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

November 26

Black Friday. 

Our tradition is the day after Thanksgiving we like to put out the decorations.  My sister and I built a ginger bread house from a cheap kit at Wal-Mart.  We didn't argue... a lot! hahaha! So don't laugh at our crazy frosting.  It looks better from farther away!

November 25

Yummm.... Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I am grateful for:

The Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
My friends.
My car that continues to work.
Food on the table and a roof over my head.
My health.
My education.
Tender mercies.
Those that have bestowed love and patience towards me.
And much, much more. 

The end.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

November 24

Emails like this make me extremely happy.

November 23

Ok I know this is lame, but I love it when I can do a french braid in my hair in one try!!! It's not much, but it really does make me happy because it usually takes me more than once. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

November 22

Collecting non-perishable food in celebration for Thanksgiving and giving back. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

November 21

Looking back at fond memories and of great friendships formed always makes me happy, especially when times are rough...

I am so blessed to still have friends like her in my life.
(and for listening, caring, and always putting up with my nonsense after all these years even when I don't deserve it!)

Thank you Leah!!!

November 20

Ferlayna asked me to take her picture and it was a pleasure and an honor! It made my day and it was so much fun.  I seriously couldn't take a bad picture of her.  It was hard to choose one favorite for my picture-of-the-day so if you want to see more, check this out.

November 19

Even though it's not the job I want.. it's been the job I need.
I really am happy and grateful for it. 

November 18

Heading home after spending the day with my sister and mom. 
Love these kind of days. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

November 17

Today was a good day.  Feels like I'm finally starting to get closer to something great...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November 16

I know this is really dumb, but I got some messages from some friends that made me laugh.  It makes me happy to feel so included. 

p.s... Don't you just love how you can see my Yankees logo in the reflection?? ;)  

November 15

November feels like spring! Only in Las Vegas would it be able to do that.

November 14

I honestly don't get what this obsession is all about, but that's probably because I'm not in that age group... go figure.  What makes me happy is seeing my friend tortured for her crazy "obsession" with him (ok maybe obsession is a strong word, but I still don't get it). 
Plus, hanging out with friends and laughing at each other is always a plus.

November 13

Ahhh.... relaxing makes me happy. 

Friday, November 12, 2010

November 12

Yes, another picture of something that involves food.  But I can't help it! I love food and I love sharing it with these wonderful people!
(We got to eat in a huge, beautiful house too so that was a bonus!)

Also, today is my brother, Devin's, birthday!! Yay! If he lived in the same state as me and realized how lame he was for not living here I would have been celebrating with him and he would have been in this picture instead.  But whatever.  This was my way of celebrating.  So Happy Birthday!! :)

November 11

Happy Birthday to our wonderful friend, Theresa!!!
(Psst.. she is the one standing next to me)

We went to Planet Hollywood for a yummy dinner (yes, food pretty much is the center of my life apparently).  It was wonderful and I feel so lucky to have made some really good friends here in Vegas. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

November 10

Movie Night!!

Went and saw the new comedy Morning Glory.  It was really cute and loved the character's career oriented attitude and passion for what she loves.  Can't wait for that chapter in my life and just watching it made me happy and excited all at the same time. 

"If the grass is greener on the other side maybe you should start watering your own lawn..."

November 9

Leah works at McDonald's!!!
She is so pretty isn't she?? Who can look like that and work at McDonald's!?

Actually, she was just working for the night.  She was helping raise money for her school and I went to visit.  Her energy and enthusiasm for what she does inspires me to want to love what I do... (someday, still waiting for that opportunity).  
But watching her yell out orders was definitely entertaining! 

Monday, November 8, 2010

November 8

Family Home Evening.

I like coming for the spiritual thoughts, but I love coming for the friends!
(Don't laugh at my lame line!)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 7

Today was a good day.  Felt uplifted at church and I'm glad I was there for it.  I have been in a negative bubble for awhile and it was nice to have something break in to it.  
But I didn't really know how to capture that moment so I went with another moment...  

I love spending Sundays with the family snacking.  When I was in school and was always busy, Sundays were the only days I could really just forget about all of it and hang out with them.  That's how today felt like and I kind of liked it.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

November 6

Spent all day with friends and just had a blast.  We went to a book fair with free yummy food (food makes me very happy), went to a Luau party and had some more yummy food (in love with food even more), then went to our friend's lovely house.  This picture pretty much sums up the day...
a lovely dog pile!

(Ferlayna is the lucky one on the bottom of it all.)

November 5

I know this is kind of lame, but I love Betty Boop and had to buy this shirt. 
Mostly because my grandmother loved her and this just reminded me of her.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 4

Just messing around with my friends and hitting ping pongs at each other rather than actually using the table.  Makes me a lot happier!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November 3

The Light of Christ is the divine energy, power, or influence that proceeds from God through Christ and gives life and light to all things. The Light of Christ influences people for good and prepares them to receive the Holy Ghost. One manifestation of the Light of Christ is what we call a conscience.

HEY! Check out my Source :)

November 2

First UNLV basketball game of the season.

Sports is something that makes me so extremely happy.  And just because I don't know every little thing about every sport like boys seem to, I sure wouldn't get sick of hearing about them or watching it. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

November 1

Today has been so much better!! Whenever there are clouds, there's always sunshine and where there's sunshine there's always really great friends that will come in and help you realize this. 
Especially when you can't see the sunshine even though it's staring right at you!
I'm so blessed and I just needed that reminder today so I could see the big picture.   

"I imagine that each of you will have difficulties ahead of you.  None of us can avoid them.  But do no despair.  Do not give up.  Look for the sunlight in the clouds.  And be grateful for what you have."
-President Gordon B. Hinckley

Check out this or that to find out why I'm so happy!

October 31

Happy Halloween!!!

But no photo today unfortunately.  Today was... rough, to say the least.  A lot of built up emotions and I thought about my photo all day.  I tried to find something that makes me happy, but it didn't seem to help.  We're allowed one day to feel that way, right?? 

Tomorrow is another day and will be better :)

October 30

Getting ready for Halloween is so much fun and this holiday makes me surprisingly happy.

I stole this idea from this blog I've been secretly following.  I love following talented photographers because I just love art, but I can't remember how I found her site.. probably through a friend's most likely...? 

Anyways, I saw this photo and tried to replicate it because it looks so good! I had to do the make-up by myself with no help unfortunately and I'm not good at that, but it was still scary, right??

October 29

Moving is not fun.  We moved down the street to stay in the same neighborhood and the houses are all the same on the inside.  It's really weird and creepy if you ask me.  But what makes me happy is that we get to pretty much live in the same house, but with cheaper rent!!

October 28

Pets can be so entertaining and can make a long day seem so much better.
